The LifeTime Initiative began as a consortium with a vision to transform European healthcare over the next decade as a Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Flagship. The European Commission awarded the initiative a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) to develop its vision and a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). Between March 2019 and June 2020, the initiative organised multiple meetings and workshops, stakeholder interviews, an impact study and several community surveys. These have brought together leading European scientists, clinicians, experts and multiple stakeholders to identify the challenges, priorities and solutions to implement a new research, technology and healthcare vision. The recommendations from this work are detailed in the LifeTime SRA.
The LifeTime CSA aimed to build the foundations and framework for a pan-European biomedical initiative that will revolutionise healthcare by enabling the understanding of human diseases at unprecedented molecular and cellular resolution. This requires the development and integration of distinct disruptive technology areas and the creation of a new, open and interactive European interdisciplinary community.
This new European community delivered a progressive concept and provided the mechanisms to steer the LifeTime initiative through its ambitious research plan and achieve its revolutionary vision.
The LifeTime CSA was organised into ten highly integrated work packages.