LifeTime Opening Conference
6-7 May, Berlin

The LifeTime consortium has several objectives for its Opening Conference:
- present itself to the community and introduce its vision and goals
- give its members the opportunity to meet and understand each others work better and also give new partners the chance to join the consortium
- discuss the state of the art of the technologies that build the core of the initiative (single cell multi-omics, data science, AI & machine learning, experimental disease models)
- understand the challenges these technologies currently face and develop the strategy how to advance them to be able to deliver on the LifeTime mission of understanding cells to revolutionise healthcare.
The conference will have four main focuses, representing the four scientific and technology work packages of LifeTime. They are:
- Single cell multi-omics
- Data science, AI & machine learning
- Experimental disease models
- LifeTime Launchpad (a mechanism to select disease the initiative will focus on)
There will also be two keynote presentations as well as breakout sessions for direct discussions.
For more information contact: