LifeTime has established an effective scientific leadership and governance structure, with efficient and transparent coordination and decision-making procedures.
The Steering Board is the main steering instrument of LifeTime. It is responsible for overseeing the activities of the CSA and the development of the final proposal. This includes key strategic decisions involving the direction of the project (e.g. selection of disease(s) and the project’s governance structure), overseeing the work of the project and budget allocation changes.
The Steering Board consist of all work package leaders (2-3 per WP ensures representation of all LifeTime areas), with each WP having one vote. In addition, Associated Partners elect two representatives on the Steering Board which vote on the decisions related to the future of the LifeTime Initiative. In total the Steering Board has 12 votes. It also includes permament invited members without voting rights and is able to invite ad-hoc participants especially from the external Advisory Boards.
The International Science & Technology Advisory Board (STAB) provides external guidance, advice and recommendations on the project’s scientific and technological directions as well as provide links to related international initiatives. STAB members are continually updated on the CSA progress and activities and meet with the SB when key decisions of the CSA are to be made (e.g. selection of technologies for the LifeTime technology platform, selection of diseases, S&T Roadmap development).
Paola Arlotta (US)
Piero Carninci (JP)
- Deputy Director RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences
- Laboratory for Transcriptome Technology
- Laboratory for Single Cell Technologies
Tom Cech (US)
Ruslan Medzhitov (US)
Tom Misteli (US)
- Director, Center for Cancer Research
- NIH Distinguished Investigator
- Head, Cell Biology of Genomes Group
- National Cancer Institute, NIH
Seán O’Donoghue (AU)
Tamar Peretz (IL)
Aviv Regev (US)
Michael Rosbash (US)
Phil Sharp (US)
- Institute Professor, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1993)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rob Singer (US)
Aaron Straight (US)
David Tuveson (US)
- Director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cancer Center
- Chief Scientist for the Lustgarten Foundation.
Wei Xie (CN)
- Professor at School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University
- HHMI International Research Scholar.